Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What a Happy Mama I Am!

Sophie in front of the "Tree of Life" at DW
What a happy Mama I am! Last Friday, November 29th, our Sweet Sophie prayed to receive Jesus Christ
as her Lord and Savior. After she prayed, she could not stop smiling. The girl was absolutely full of joy. She said she had waited for this her whole life! She even wrote a note to Jesus telling him she loved him and how happy she was to be saved.
She had been talking about being saved for a few weeks, and she seemed to have a firm understanding of what it all meant. When she asked me when she could be saved, I told her that we could pray whenever she was ready.
I know Sophie is young at not quite 7 years old, but she is spiritually mature for her age. Every time someone asked her what she was thankful for at Thanksgiving, her first answer would be, “Jesus dying on the cross for our sins.” Every time. Even before she was saved, she talked about Jesus all the time, how much she loves Him, and she is truly excited about him. Last night, Steve saw her kneeling beside her bed praying all by herself. Normally, she prays with one of us, but now she is praying on her own without even being prompted. That just touched my heart. She is serious about this. It’s not just something she thought she should do because she had heard about it so much. She truly wants Jesus in her life.
I am so proud of her. I know God has great plans for her. I pray that her joy and enthusiasm for the Lord continues to grow and spread to those around her. Heaven knows that we could use some enthusiastic Christians in this world!

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