Monday, July 16, 2012

God's Greatest Creation

I love the beach. The sand, the sun, the crashing waves, and the sound of seagulls all draw me back every year. Before we had children, Steve and I could lie on the beach all day long just listening to the sounds of the ocean. Of course now with 2 little ones, we have their kind of fun: jumping waves, building sand castles and collecting seashells. Thankfully, living in South Georgia, we don’t live very far from the East coast or the Florida panhandle. We pretty much have our pick of several beaches. Our quick family destination for those times when we just need to get away (you know what I mean) is Jekyll Island or St. Simon’s Island. The drive is only about 21/2 hours and we are pulling up at the beach.
Our last such retreat was my Mother’s Day request. The plan was to drive over Thursday, come back Saturday night and be back for church on Sunday. God granted us with beautiful weather and we had a much needed relaxing time. I had recently taken a 45 minute photography class at our church, and I was camera happy that weekend. I was snapping pictures like crazy! One picturesque moment that I was so happy to catch was of my 5 year old Sophie standing in the edge of the ocean looking out into the waves. I just watched her at first, this tiny little girl looking out into the vast ocean. All I could think was “what an amazing God!” 

The ocean in all its glory with its amazing power will never be fully comprehended by man. There are so many millions of creatures in its waters, many of which we will never even know exist. God made it all and “it was good.” My sweet Sophie in all her 40 pounds with fine light brown hair and twinkling blue eyes is God’s greatest creation. God made male and female and “it was very good.”
God has such a vivid imagination. If you have ever been to an aquarium or watched the discovery channel, you know what I mean. Creatures of the sea are so unique. No detail was overlooked. Even some of the deepest sea dwellers, like angler-fish, actually have lights on their heads to attract and see their prey. And though many fish are deep below the surface,out of our sight, some of the most beautiful colors brilliantly drape their bodies. God also gave just as much detail to my little girl. He gave her the sweetest little dimples and delicate little finger nails. He gave her a smile that melts our hearts and a laugh that is contagious. The most amazing thing is that out of all his creation, He loves her the most. Just think about that. God created everything and there is nothing that exists that was not created by God (Colossians 1:16). Yet, out of all of His creation, He loves you and me the most. Wow… He even went a step further and gave us His awesome world as a gift. “He has given us richly all things to enjoy.” (1 Timothy 6:17)
The next time you are at the beach or take a trip to the mountains or visit the Grand Canyon, stand in awe of its beauty and remember that God did that for you and me because He loves us the most. And don’t forget to say “Thanks God!”

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