Monday, February 29, 2016

About a Boy

That Hair!
Those Eyes!

He wraps his arms around me. When did he get so tall? I rest my cheek on his soft black hair. That hair. One of his signature features since he was born: head full, silky and jet black.  We’ve shared so many laughs about that hair, his dad and I. The nurse told me not to use any styling products in his newborn hair, so most days it stood straight up; brushing it didn’t matter. 

As our newborn grew into a laughing, bouncing, chatterbox baby, his eyelashes grew longer and longer.  Hence his second most notable feature, his sparkling eyes that dance when he smiles with eyelashes that go on for inches. As I cup his now 10-year-old face in my hands, he stares back at me, his eyes so brown, they are almost black. I look deep into them, trying to capture this moment. 

Will he always come to me, unprompted and wrap his arms around me? This boy, whose motto could be, “You can agree with me or you can be wrong.”  This boy, known by those who know him best, as the boy who could argue with a fence post, even as a preschooler.  Could he be a trial lawyer one day, fighting for just causes, standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves? Only God knows. I know, however, God does have plans for him. His verse above his bed is Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” He has been able to quote it by heart for years.  

As I look into his eyes, still innocent, I want to shield him from hurt, from harm, from the world. Alas, I know that is impossible. For as he grows taller, he grows more aware.  More aware of the darkness in the world, more aware of things his friends and others say and do.  Always one to ask questions, we have tried our best to answer each one. Though it was sometimes tiring, now it has paid off, for the lines of communication are always open.  He is a deep thinker, our boy.  Not much gets passed him. We pray not much will get passed us either. We pray for wisdom for all of us.

Looking back over the years, we have seen our little fellow grow in stature and in knowledge. We used to say when he was little that he laughed loud and cried hard.  He was “all or nothing”. He still is. He is focused. He doesn’t usually do things half way. He is smart. God has gifted him with an amazing memory.  He is honest and has shown many times that he can be trusted to do the right thing when we are not looking.  He loves cheeseburgers and pizza and fights with his sister. 

If I dwell on it too much, it will make me incredibly sad. Knowing that most of our “little boy” days are coming to a close, is hard to swallow.  He will be turning 11 soon, and the next ten years will be filled with big boy adventures and young man firsts. It’s exciting to see what God will do in and through this awesome little dude.  I intend to be right there cheering him on, praying him through, and encouraging him to be all God has created him to be.

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