Monday, November 10, 2014

In My Daughter's Eyes

Like most moms, I have those days that I wish I could do over. Days when I was too moody, too tired or too busy. Unfortunately, some days it turns out to be all three and then some. Days when I snap at my kids and my nerves are frazzled. Days when nothing seems to go right...and the house is still a mess and my son tells me he has no clean pajamas.

Lately, at the end of days like these, I have found myself sneaking into my daughter's room, sitting on her bed and just watching her sleep. I love both of my children equally, with all my heart. But it's Sophie who always sees the good in me. She makes me want to be the person she thinks I am. At bedtime, she tells me I am the best mom because I am sweet and kind even when I know I wasn't just earlier in the day. She always has an encouraging word and a warm hug. I want to be the person she sees when she looks at me. I don't know how long this will last, but I will cherish it as long as it does!

This song is the perfect story of me and my little girl.