Finally, Saturday afternoon had arrived. The morning seminar
I had to attend was finished. The house was mostly in order and the weather
outside was delightful. So, I grabbed my book and nestled into my cozy chair on
my back porch, feet up, coffee beside me. I could see and hear my kids playing
in the back yard. All was well with the world.
“Mom, come jump with us,” was the request I heard from my
kids who were on their trampoline. Now, I had already jumped with them briefly,
and I was satisfied it was enough. “Not right now, just play with each
other,” I countered. The last thing I wanted to do
was jump on the trampoline. I mean, I’m almost 40! Then the request again, “But
we want you to come jump with us.”
Why can’t they just let me be? I just want to sit here and read this book, this
parenting book…
At that very moment, I read the words, “Love to a child is spelled
T-I-M-E. Your presence and every minute you spend with your child matter much
more than you can imagine. The benefits will last a lifetime.”* Sigh…Smile. OK,
I get it. So I lay down my parenting book and actually went to be a parent.
As I opened the screen door and walked toward them, cheers
exploded. Wow, what a reception! I
climbed on the trampoline and we jumped. We wrestled. We rested. Repeat. As I
lay on my back, catching my breath, my children lay with me, the breeze blowing
cool on our skin. We watched the clouds
pass by. We talked; we laughed. They were happy. I was happy. And again, all
was well with the world.
Sometimes, our tired, adult minds and bodies just want to
rest, and we need that. Sometimes, our adult responsibilities have to be done;
that’s being a mature adult. But sometimes, we just need to let it all go and
play with our kids. For our kids will soon be the tired, responsible adults and
the opportunity will have passed us by.
*Dr. Kevin Leman, Have a Happy Family by Friday