Thursday, October 2, 2014

To Shelter or Not to Shelter, That is the Question

"You can't shelter your kids." This is a term I have heard used a lot, and I believe it is a false statement and also a true one.  I know that doesn't make much sense, but let me explain. I believe it is our responsibility to shield and protect our young children from influences and situations that they are not mature enough to handle.  Young children are not always able to comprehend how to make the right choices.  Allowing them to see and hear things that are too mature for them causes confusion for them in what is right and wrong. They also are just not old enough to fully understand the consequences of certain behavior.  We need to preserve their innocence just as long as we possibly can.  So, in the words of Dr. James Dobson concerning sheltering our kids, "We should surely try!" 

Now as children begin to get older and more mature, they are better equipped to make wise choices IF they have been taught to do so by their parents. Their minds are better able to understand situations and know right from wrong more than when they were young. So we can and sometimes do need to loosen the reigns a bit so they can begin to make good decisions on their own. However, as parents, we must stay "in the know" with our children and their environment. They are still children with very impressionable minds and hearts.

On the home front, I have often wondered what some Christian parents are thinking when they allow their children to view movies, TV shows, video games and music that are not "child friendly".  I know many children, 7 or 8 years old, who have seen movies that have content in them that makes even me as an adult uncomfortable.  Why do Christian parents allow and subject their impressionable children to such things? 

One form of reasoning it that "Our children know that the bad things in the movie, video game, etc... are wrong."  Another is, "They hear language like that at school every day."   Another even is, "they will see it eventually."  My thought on that is what are you teaching your children?  What do you want them to think about bad things?  Most parents would say that they are teaching their children that the bad language and violence are wrong.  Then why do they allow them to be subjected to it?  If you are teaching them that it is wrong then you allow them to watch it, play it, listen to, aren't you contradicting yourself?  Psalm 101:3 says, "I will set no wicked thing before my eyes."  And what about the sexual immorality in these things?  Is that something you want your children to see and think about?  Because they will think about it!  Those images will be engraved in their minds.  Our 9 year old son wants to watch the Iron Man movies, but we can't let him because of the overt sexuality in them.  We as parents should not allow immoral things before our children's eyes.

No matter if our children know right from wrong, it is our responsibility to shield their eyes, ears and hearts from the corruption of the world.  1 Corinthians 15:33 says, "Do not be misled.  Bad company ruins good morals and corrupts good character."  Not only does this mean who they hang around (so, so important), it also includes the company of movies, TV, music and video games that are bad.  Come on parents, it's OK and it is responsible to shelter your kids as long as you can.

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