Thursday, July 31, 2014

Something More

Sometimes I get a feeling like there is something else that I am supposed to be doing. Even though I feel like I am obeying God in what he has told me to do, I feel like he has more for me. I wonder sometimes what it is and how long I will have to wait. Then I wonder if it is all in my head. Am I just being discontent in what he has me doing right now?
Many times I realize that I have my hands full at the present time, and if God is waiting to give me a new pursuit, it’s because he knows I would stress out trying to do everything. I know my most important job is being a wife and a mother to our two young children. Why do I sometimes feel like that is not enough? Yes, I have my service in the church: teaching different classes, singing in the choir and helping in other areas of service, but I wonder sometimes if any of it makes a difference.
I have felt this way over the past couple of days. Maybe it’s because I just had another birthday, and I don’t want my days or years to go by without having purpose or meaning. Maybe it’s because of other issues that are weighing on my mind. As I was listening to the radio today, the DJ was talking about her study of 1st Chronicles where God told David that he would not be the one to rebuild the temple. He was to get things ready and prepare the way for his son Solomon to rebuild it. This reminded me that the most important task God has given me to do is to raise my children to love and know him. So that they can be prepared for whatever future he calls them to.
Perhaps that is why he has placed such a passion in my heart to fill their hearts with his word, to talk about him at home and worship him. Of course, I should be doing this anyway, but I feel they have a special desire and ability to learn about him. Their teachers at church and at school comment often about how much they know about the Bible and how they are able to connect its meaning. I feel sure God is preparing them for something special, and he is using me to help.
I need these reminders to show me that I am not “just a mom.” I am raising, teaching and helping establish two people who could be the ones God uses to rebuild his church. That is quite an honor and quite a responsibility. So, I need to stop wondering what else there may be out there and focus on what God has for me to do right now. I will trust that God has me where he wants me doing what he wants me to do.

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